This gives me the error 'Failed to connect: /' where ist my current IP (where somelongweirdstringhere.myfritz. Through the protected, private VPN connection. This gives me the error 'Unknown host: Failed to connect to server' Install About this app arrowforward With MyFRITZApp you have easy and secure access to your FRITZBox and your home network at home or on the go. Note: As of Qt 5.15.8, JDK 11 or later is supported for Qt for Android. Other alternatives such as OpenJDK for Linux or Java SE Development Kit for Windows are also supported. This gives me the error 'Unknown host: smb://nas/' In order to use Qt for Android, you need the following: Java Development Kit (JDK) provided by AdoptOpenJDK for all platforms, is required to build Android apps. What to put in the user / password fields is self-explanatory but what should I enter in the server field? I found some postings here but still have no idea how to configure the plugin. This works fine when using an android web browser I set up a MyFritz-DynDNS before, so with I see the login mask and can login.īut when I got it right this should also be possible with Total Commander and the LAN plugin. The connection from my PC is easy (fritz.nas) but since I'd like to use the NAS as my own cloud storage I'd like to access it from my Android Smartphone over the internet. I set up a NAS on my FRITZ!Box 7490 with a dedicated user.